New Year’s Giving Challenge

Over $100,000 in matching funds offered to these organizations for new gifts & pledges made in the next few weeks!  Lets start out 2013 supporting transformational work!  Please follow the links and give/pledge directly to any of these organizations, or give/pledge on our site or contact us!  Thanks!

Trans Justice Giving Project (Goal- $50,000 Current Match $10,000)  We are deeply committed to seeing new philanthropic support for transgender issues and communities.  The Trans Justice Giving Project is among the most exciting new efforts to increase giving to this significantly under-resourced area.  This is one of our top priorities in the next 3 months.  A $10,000 challenge has been offered to match any gifts they receive by the second week in Jan.

Next Gen Giving Challenge Fund– (Goal- $20,000)  We need 4 more people to pledge $5,000 (average) to meet our goal of 10 and be matched by a longtime leading donor.

Brown Boi Project– (Goal- $25,000 Current Match: $10,000)  Supporting their transformational work with young men and MoC women of color to build a new vision for masculinity.  A $10,000 challenge has been offered to match all gifts they receive by Jan. 13th.

Grassroots Challenge: (Goal- $25,000) Additional organizations include: Get Equal, Faith In America, Transgender Law Center and Queers for Economic Justice.  We are continuing our efforts (launched Jan. 1 2012) to advocate for support for these partners.

National Gay & Lesbian Task Force– (Goal- $25,000 Current Match $25,000)  Honoring the Creating Change 25th Anniversary we hope to bring a delegation & collective gift (Atlanta Jan. 25th) in support of their work on economic justice and immigration.

Northwest Network– (Goal- $20,000 Current Match $20,000) Anti-violence and healing has been central to our developing vision of LGBTQ donor leadership.  We want to support the leadership of the NW Network of Bisexual, Trans, Lesbian and Gay Survivors of Abuse.

Social Justice Fund Northwest’s LGBTQ Giving Project– (Goal $20,000 Current Match: $10,000) Supporting their donor organizing with an emphasis on underfunded and overlooked opportunities, particularly organizing in communities of color.

These are a few of the organizations our members are supporting.  We hope to serve as catalysts to encourage more support for these and other organizations.  Please contribute in any way you can.